Monday, June 2, 2008

Boy, I can be such an ass.

I bet you don't hear that from too many senior NCO's, but I am here to tell you, I can and lately have been one. While I may often see this a little, it takes a real friend to point it out to you.
My problem is, I call it like I see it in nmy office. While I am not the supervisor, I am senior to most in there and the other E-7 doesn't exactly ooze leadership. He's a great guy and I love him like a brother, but like I said I call it like it is. I put my nose where I shouldn't. Most of the time, my concern is legit, but I need to let my office mates do their own thing and if they struggle, they canhandle it.

I hate time wasters at work, and ineffeciency, which are main reasons why I get on the other NCO's in my office, but it is not my place to correct them with the exception that I am a senior NCO, a leader in the office, and I just have certain expectations. the problem is, in the National Guard recruiting, we are too lax, and get away with too much. However, we also out recruit the US Army and our state leads the nation. However, I know my office can do better than we do.

It is a delema on my part. I want to help, but will no longer unless I am asked. Even then, I will probably send them to the other E7 for assistance, let him lead for a bit. There is alot more to this story, but I don't want to bore you.

Point is, even though one is technically profeciant, and is often the problem solver, don't offer to solve issues unless directly asked or it is directly your responsibility. God I miss leading and taking care of soldiers, maybe thats my issue.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I need to get back into it. It will help me thru my days. Recruiting overall is going well, and I have stories to share, so I shall start sharing them.

Thanks for reading, expect more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back.