Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Untimely Death

Last night, a good friend's daughter was involved in a tragic accident near her college campus. She was 18 years old and a freshman at the college. The driver was drunk. She is on live support with no chance of coming back. She was ejected from the vehicle at 10:20 last night. The driver and passenger are ok. Her spinal cord was seperated from her brain.

They are keeping her alive long enough (hopefully) so her dad, who is serving in Afghanastan, can come home to say goodbye to his little girl.

This makes me angry because someone else's disregard for life has killed a beuatiful young lady who was just beginning her life. I hope the guy they killed her, doesn't think of coming to the funeral. I don't think I can keep her Army dad from killing him. Sarah will be missed I am sure, I don't know how her mom will make it. her only saving grace is her other daughter, who is like 4.

Please, talk to your kids often about drunk driving and getting in the car when someone is drunk. Talk to them until you are blue in the face and are a pain in the ass.

Be with the Angels, Sarah, be with the Angels.


Politics of a Patriot said...

So tragic, so senseless. Prayers for her family...

Mrs. Who said...

Eternal rest grant unto her, Oh, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
