Sunday, October 5, 2008

Support our troops??

Maybe I am reading way too much into this. Let me first say, I am disappointed in our selction for president this time around. I do not think either major candidate will lead our country in the direction I think it needs.

Now to my point. I spent the last ten days manning a booth at times at out state fair. As usual, lots of people come by, shake my hand and thank me for what I do and what I stand for. Then, one of my office partners told me to pay attention to who shakes our hands. As the night wore on, I did notice something. People wearing Mccain stickers, or carrying McCain signs stopped, said Hi and shook my hand. Lots of people wearing no political stickers shook my hands.

You know where this is going, right?

Not ONE, I say again, not ONE person carrying an Obama sign, wearing ans Obama sticker, came by and shook my hand,or my office partners hand over a ten day period.


I guess the Obama supporters don't support troops. yes, they stopped by the table and helped themselves to my goodies, and then carried on. Some said hi, but most did not.

Now I am not saying that every Obama supporter does not support troops, I know many if not most do ( I would hope). But this does, however, give me reservations about Obama supporters. Is part of the "change" is not to support the troops anymore?

I am just asking. Of course this was not a scientific research, based solely upon the observations by me and and office mate over a ten day period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course they don't really support those in uniform. You know that already.