Friday, July 6, 2007

One Foot...

...equals 12 inches, right? I thought this was basic 2nd grade measurements. However, I guess in our great city schools, they must have taken this out of the curriculum. One of my office partners was helping out an applicant who had scored a 30 on the ASVAB, being one point shy, he wanted to see where he was weak at. During the course of going through the four main sections, it was found that he was hurting in word problems. So the recruiter gave him a sample problem that dealt with measurements. He asked the applicant, "How many inches in a foot?" The applicant said he did not know, nor how many feet where in a yard, but knew how many yards were in a football field. Now, keep in mind, this is a high school GRADUATE, that does not know simple measurements. I don't think this kid would get one answer right on the show Are you smarter than a fifth grader? He clearly is not. I wish we did not have to enlist people who are idiots. It does not mean they will not make good soldiers, but they obviously wont make great soldiers.

One more quick story...

I have a kid crying at the airport because he is stressed about his girl while he goes away for 7 weeks to AIT. he already did Basic last summer and did fine. Now he is talking about going AWOL because he is stressed. Stressed??? Some kids are such pansies, I told him I didn't think he would make a good CAV Scout anyways, they want MEN, not boys whop cry about their 16 yr old girlfriend. Did I mention he was 19? God give me strength and find real Americans to help our country and community. He did great in basic and was real motivated. Problem is, if he quits, there is no real recourse. They just discharge him, of course he gives up 44k in college money and 15k bonus and lots of GI bill money 309+200 X 36=$$$$$$. Lots. But if hes weak, then I don't want him in the Guard. Is that bad of me?


Anonymous said...

Hey Recruda,

Keep up the good work. Even when they hand you crap, be smart enough to use it to grow a daisy-chain of explosive motivation, that goes up in their faces. I know. I've had it happen to me. My goal is always mission first, mission success and the welfare of my personnel.

Drive on.

DS Juice!

SGT Lori said...

Is that bad of you?? NO!!! I am going through the same thing. SOme of the kids I have put in I am living to regret.

On the other hand, he may turn out to be a great soldier. I was a shithead once upon a time.